香煎比目鱼柳 寿司
Feb 25



  • 半杯煎饼粉(pancake mix)
  • 半个苹果, 削皮, 磨成丝(grated)
  • 半杯凉水


  • 橄榄油(1小勺), 白糖(1小勺), 桂皮粉(Cinnamon)(1/4小勺)
  • 黄油
  • 蜂蜜或枫糖浆(Maple Syrup)


  1. 将苹果丝用橄榄油和白糖拌一拌;
  2. 煎饼粉和苹果丝加桂皮粉, 加水拌匀成稀糊状;
  3. 中火热平底锅, 用黄油在锅底擦一圈, 倒入2大勺稀糊摊平煎烤;
  4. 煎饼中间冒泡时翻面煎烤另一面直发黄取出装盘;
  5. 继续做下一个煎饼;
  6. 吃的时候在煎饼上倒些蜂蜜或枫糖浆.

发表于新语丝[读书论坛] 2010-02-24

相关评论1   相关评论2   相关评论3


  1. test Says:

    Cinnamon could cause cancer!!!!!!!
    【石菖蒲、八角茴香、桂皮、花椒、蜂头茶、七荆介】 ?均含有毒性成分黄樟醚,可诱发肝癌。

  2. 湘女 Says:

    谢谢指出. 看了你的评论后, 上网查了查, 发现不光是桂皮, 还有其他的调味粉(包括黑胡椒)属于同一类, 不能多用.

    黄樟醚 (Safrole)

    查了WIKI, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safrole

    Safrole is regarded by the U.S. government to be a weak carcinogen in rats.[4] It naturally occurs in a variety of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and herbs such as basil. In that role safrole is believed, although not proven, to make a small but measurable contribution to the overall incidence of human cancer, equal to the hazards presented by orange juice and tomatoes.[5] In the United States, it was once widely used as a food additive in root beer, sassafras tea, and other common goods, but was banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after its carcinogenicity in rats was discovered. Today, safrole is also banned for use in soap and perfumes by the International Fragrance Association.

    According to a 1977 study of the metabolites of safrole in both rats and humans, two carcinogenic metabolites of safrole found in the urine of rats, 1′-hydroxysafrole and 3′-hydroxyisosafrole, were not found in human urine. This brings to question the actual carcinogenicity of safrole in humans.[6]

