
19 11 2014年


(作者:Robert Foyle Hunwick 翻译:方舟子)
























Robert Foyle Hunwick October 30, 2014 00:06

The Chinese president’s favorite blogger hates America
And he actually has no idea what’s going on in the United States.

BEIJING, China — Did you know that in America, workers toil for a lowly $3 to $5 an hour? And that’s hardly enough to live on when “a meal at a roadside cafe costs $20-$40 per person.”

These odd and erroneous claims are some of many made in “Broken Dreams in America,” an essay by Zhou Xiaoping. The 33-year-old has become the official toast of Beijing since Chinese President Xi Jinping singled him out (along with fellow blogger Hua Qianfang) for special praise at a “Forum on Art and Literature” this month. President Xi hailed their work as possessing “positive energy.”

Zhou proved a particularly divisive choice.

One of his best-known pieces, headlined “Nine Knockout Blows” against America, claims that Hollywood is part of a plot to undermine China and compares American attitudes toward the Chinese to Hitler’s treatment of the Jews.

In fact, since the controversy generated by late-1990s films like “Kundun” and “Red Corner,” Hollywood has been skittish about losing a potentially huge market by criticizing China. Far from it: The arch-blockbuster of 2014 was “Transformers 4,” a bloated and critically panned sequel ridiculed for overt pandering to Chinese brands and sensibilities.

But since Xi’s speech, arguing with Zhou’s version of the truth has become an act of political defiance — no matter how famous you are.

Fang Shimin — China’s foremost anti-fraud crusader — learned the hard way what happens when you trash the Chinese president’s favorite blogger.

In a point-by-point rebuttal, Fang suggested Zhou had “sleepwalked” through America and wondered, “Does he think netizens are as easy to fool as politicians?”

In fact, Zhou has never laid eyes on what’s known in Mandarin as Beautiful Country. “I haven’t been abroad,” Zhou said of his anti-America screed. “But I have many overseas friends.”

Fang’s takedown went viral — then vanished. When he protested, his Weibo (China’s version of Twitter) account was suspended. Thirty minutes later, all his blogs were gone for good. Critics’ accounts have been suspended or functionally disabled in the past; this time was different. As one blogger observed: “Quite literally, Fang Zhouzi has been erased.”

Fang, widely known by his pen name Fang Zhouzi, certainly had the gravitas for such a critique. In 2012, he won the prestigious Nature magazine’s inaugural John Maddox Prize, awarded to individuals who “stand up for science.” In the past, he has discredited businesswoman Peng Fu’s high-profile Cultural Revolution memoir “Bend, Not Break” for being flexible with the truth, called out Microsoft’s former China CEO for having a fake diploma, and has even rendered the once-outspoken writer Han Han virtually mute with a crusade accusing the younger novelist of plagiarism.

That he’s done so at considerable risk, suffering both physical attacks and online censure, is a testament to his credibility: “Attacking Fang Zhouzi is the same as declaring war on civilized society,” journalist Xu Xiaoping (no relation to Zhou) once declared.

Zhou Xiaoping, then, was an obvious target. And despite the web wipeout, Fang’s debunking apparently worked. Soon, Chinese searches for Zhou Xiaoping, as well as his nickname, “Belt Fish” Zhou, were producing the all-too-familiar message that results could not be displayed, “according to relevant laws and regulations.”

Robbed of his digital existence in China, Fang switched to Twitter, where his following had almost doubled overnight. There, he soon wondered if the Los Angeles Times also “feared retaliation” for writing about him: the newspaper’s article was bylined, “A Times Staff Writer.”

The “wumao” army

Back in China, official media have gone into spin cycle. One editorial in Beijing’s Global Times detected intellectual snobbery in the criticism: “[Zhou and Hua Qianfang] did not graduate from famous schools and haven’t received a systematic education. … Their language is coarse, radical and almost vulgar,” the writer admitted. “Respecting such young, immature, grassroots contrary voice is very difficult.”

As the rebuttals for and against Zhou mount, and censors battle to delete them, the affair puts the spotlight on China’s ideological landscape. Some warn that Beijing is bent on waging ideological war with “Western values.” Why else might China’s president, who usually likes to invoke an appreciation of classical philosophy, choose a na?ve and rather fallible writer for celebration?

A former People’s Liberation Army engineer who became a low-level provincial bureaucrat, then drifted into online gaming, Zhou’s profile resonates with many: Born without privilege, not endowed with any natural talent, he once lived a life both itinerant and anonymous. As an online entrepreneur, he’s had to fend off allegations of peddling pornography, one of many types of media banned on the web. 

“If common citizens really want to say something, there are only ‘praise-singing choirs’ on the internet for them to join,” says Renmin University politics professor Zhang Ming. So Zhou instead found his niche as a “wumao.” Coined to describe China’s army of low-paid web commentators — who allegedly number 300,000 and earn a nickel a comment to “guide public opinion” — the term wumao is commonly applied toward those who parrot the government line. “The wumao is a creation of the market economy — many do it just to make a living,” explains historian Zhang Lifan. “And right now, Zhou is exactly what the party needs: young, politically correct and obedient.”

In fact, President Xi could have known that his endorsement of Zhou was risky. In 2013, Zhou publicly attacked ex-Google China chief Lee Kai-Fu for faking his own cancer and conspiring with “hostile foreign forces.” These erroneous taunts prompted disgust. Even the Beijing News retorted that Zhou had “dropped [a rock] on his own foot” and said “debate should comply with the laws of evidence.” Unlike others, Zhou’s rumormongering didn’t earn him a prison sentence, but he did claim to be quitting writing.

A year later, with China’s lively media environment brutally shorn of dissenters, Zhou shows much less inclination toward putting down the poison pen. When Liu Xuesong, a columnist at a Zhejiang-based newspaper, wrote a conciliatory plea entitled “This world should be big enough to tolerate both Zhou Xiaoping and Fang Zhouzi,” both he and his article vanished from the web.

In a sense, Zhou belongs to a long line of “courtly” writers in imperial China. Mao Zedong, whom President Xi has implicitly compared himself to, cultivated supporters like Guo Moruo and Hu Qiaomu. The difference is “they were hugely talented, sharp and full of literary skills … people like them don’t exist anymore, so [the Communist Party] has to do with folks like Zhou,” says the historian Zhang.

He adds, “I read a comment online: ‘Take a look at the pet and you will know the taste of his master.’ I think it’s very meaningful.”




17篇回复 to “《环球邮报》:中国国家主席喜爱的博客写手憎恨美国”

19 11 2014年
ck.yuen (22:38:23) :

hunwick 也是 beijingcream 的作者之一 同 Valentina Luo (China’s Bill O’Reilly, Sima Nan, Is Now Pro-Free Speech, Anti-Moron) 有合作,如去年他写 The Great K-Hole of China 有感谢她找资料

20 11 2014年
Jason (01:01:34) :


20 11 2014年
xuande (08:43:07) :



22 11 2014年
muliuu (05:55:34) :


23 11 2014年
ck.yuen (01:11:56) :

被恐怖分子砍头的 James Foley 也是 global post 派遣的 (环球邮报没有实体报刊,只是供网上阅读,不过因为派遣记者到各地报道,同 huffingtonpost 这类网站又不一样)

23 11 2014年
许强 (11:59:06) :


24 11 2014年
qinzhenchao (07:33:43) :


24 11 2014年
mutongbo2hao (17:00:51) :


26 11 2014年
smokingdog (11:08:56) :

这些问题 或许只有下一代互联网才能实现.

30 11 2014年
serious (02:15:33) :


30 11 2014年
More2 (18:54:51) :


1 12 2014年
yuen.ck (06:05:29) :

方有提到那采访,说那时不知道是在写书.自满老脾气.被封杀后以为各方面都同情他,毫无心理准备原来民运早就当他是五毛,也不肯说话客气点;他发了一张枫树林照片某网友说这个红叶对青天类似苏东坡的表忠话,就被他骂一顿奴才充内行等等,然后粉丝也赶着过去骂//@用户5260067475: 据说采访过肘子肘子受宠若惊
@退休-人士其中片断对韩寒相当客气,简短提到方不很敬重。方好像没看到那些就在退特 帮他宣扬了,现在也无可奈何了

13 12 2014年
wood (05:34:05) :


13 12 2014年
c.k.yuen (06:32:18) :

端木王 ‏@b2048440 11h11 hours ago自以为是,总想给人当人生导师,你还是操心自家地里的庄稼吧
阮宗光 ‏@yuenchungkwong 9h9 hours ago 仁兄在劝告方舟子是吗?他最喜欢指导人,我只指导他一个人;他在新语丝放头条通告“不听任何劝告”我也是这脾气,不过多谢了

14 12 2014年
adfdfda (18:20:15) :


14 12 2014年
c.yuen (18:41:46) :

风云变幻3232 ‏@fybh64 12h12 hours ago
@fangshimin @look1m 老方评论怎么这么少?都用邮件订阅了?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
阮宗光 ‏@yuenchungkwong 11h11 hours ago
@fybh64 @fangshimin @look1m @China____China @xday2012 @piterenhudie @fybh64评论少是粉丝少,你看连三思柯南这种神经粉丝,以前为了@eddie__cheng在趴衣服事件占中同方舟子意见不一样就去纠缠他也放弃了

1 02 2015年
老解 (21:38:49) :



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