20 03 2009年包建民,1993年美国普渡大学理学博士,1993-2000年美国宝洁医药公司科学家和资深科学家,2000-2003年(或2000-2004年)任美国赛万事公司资深科学家、分析研发部经理。2002年任教育部长江学者,2003年起任天津大学教授、博士生导师、药学院副院长,兼任河北亿能普药业有限公司总经理。
2009年3月2日,作者9852qi称,天津大学调查发现,药学院购进的四台二手仪器中,三台仪器因故障闲置至今,未能通过验收、未能正常使用,其中包括价值48.7万的Spectrumedix 96通道毛细管电泳仪。据称,包建民一手操办购置此批二手设备,“涉嫌以次充好,骗取差价,中饱私囊,侵吞公款”。
It is normal to take advantage of novel technology. It is aslo risky to work on the new technology. It seems that the university system involved this note cannot take the risk to give the principle investigator an choice.
The price of 96 capillary CE from Applied Biosystems is about $300 000 or 2 100 000 yuan. The material cost is about $50 000 in USA, such as 200 mW Ar ion laser, scientific CCD camera for fluorescence detection, two HPLC systems to pump gel into capillary. Annual service was $48 000 for the instrument, and consumable is $50 000 per year to keep the instrument running.
A few papers have been published using the similar systems in P&G. Bao was the primary investigator.
The company of SpectruMedix went to bankrupted. Applied Biosystems has purchased all of the IPs. The service an consumable sale has been purchased by Transgenomic. Please buy the service agreement with Transgenomic after paying $48 000 annually and $50 000 consumable.
每年还要再花费$48 000 + $50 000才能运行?这可不是小数目,比旧仪器本身还贵。包老师从哪儿掏这钱?
包老师是P&G的primary investigator,怎么委屈成了P&G那两篇用那台仪器的两篇论文的7位作者中的第4位和10位作者中的第8位?
It is a common business practice for the instrument manufacturer to sell annual service agreement with the 15%-20% of instrument price. The manufacturer often provides the service free of charge for the first 12 months after shiping. It will cost about the same amount of money ($50K) to run ABI 3730xl separting DNA samples. The costs include replacing gel, buffer, capillarys, primers, dyes, and replacing parts and labor.
who knows