
18 08 2009年

例一 在肖传国主持的“中国临床泌尿外科网”以及中国唯一实施所谓“肖氏反射弧”手术的“郑州神源泌尿外科医院”,吹嘘在美国“已将该技术进行了临床推广”、“已成功治疗”90余例。反过来又通过美国Beaumont医院研究协调员(study coordinator)Cindy Turzewski之口欺骗来函询问的患者家长说:“在中国,此手术现为常规治疗手段,肖医生已经将此手术教给中国所有大医院的外科医生”、“中国医院天天都做这种手术”、并建议病人直接去中国找肖传国。

例二 肖传国为解释美国Beaumont医院试验结果不如他中国的好,谎称美国方面术后仍错误使用治疗尿失禁的药物Ditropan,导致“新的反射弧对膀胱起不了作用”、“阻碍了大脑的功能重组”。肖传国当年也曾在无效病人投诉到新语丝后,以病人术后没有定时排空为由来自圆其说。停用药物、定时排空这些至关重要的医嘱竟然未下,有可能吗?实际上,根据Kevin Bryant(术前充满期望出现在foxnews电视上、最终手术无效、母亲最近发帖询问何处买导尿管的那位年轻患者)的母亲在Kevin术后几天发的帖子,美国那些病人早就被要求术后3个月减量、6个月停用Ditropan。

肖传国吹牛成瘾、谎言连篇。这是一个能杜撰出这种谎言来吹牛的主儿:“几位美国教授提意见(把Emails还同时转给我啦):Dr. Xiao…will won the Nobel Prize”


1. 郑州神源泌尿外科医院“媒体新闻”
来源:中国临床泌尿外科网 发布时间:2009-6-12 14:57:28

2. 两位患者家长的帖子,询问Beaumont医院手术情况后收到的Cindy Turzewski和肖传国的回函
08-19-2008, 03:17 AM

I inquired about the Xiao technique with the folks at Beaumont hospital. It seems they are still accepting potential candidates (my daughter is too young - the candidate needs to be at least 6 years old) Anyway, here is the response I got:

…In China, this procedure is now standard of care. Dr. Xiao has taught this procedure to surgeon’s at all the major hospitals in China…

Cindy Turzewski, R.N.,

12-17-2008, 01:36 PM

I have found parts of the doctors emails,

In short, your son’s” neurogenic bladder and bowel due to spina bifida can be cured by the procedure. I can schedule your son for the surgery at the end of the year as the earlist in Shangahi, China. There are too many patients waiting in line. We operated on 620 kids with spina bifida in 2007 and number is goning to double this year.

Please keep in touch.

Chuan-Guo Xiao, MD

>> …This surgery is now standard of care in China. Dr. Xiao has taught this procedure to surgeons all over China. It is done everyday in hospitals in China. If you really want to have this procedure done on your son, we would suggest going to China. If you are at all interested in going to China, I would be happy to forward your information to Dr. Xiao. I have done this with other families. 【此段为Cindy Turzewski要将病人情况转给肖传国、并建议病人直接去中国找肖传国做手术的邮件,并称对其他家庭也是这么做的。】

3. 肖传国马甲“搬运工”的帖子
肖氏反射弧,以及肖氏手术Xiao Procedure美国开展轶事
送交者: 搬运工 于 2009-08-15 04:08:56
但是,我发现,结果没有我们在中国的那么好!!!!基本个个都有改善,但仅一个HOME RUN(即完全象正常人一样),还偏偏是那个最担心没有任何效果的那个啦啦队女孩。当时已是术后近两年,他们术后6月反射弧就长好了,这是非常不正常的!我以为他们早都全好了。怎么回事?!细问之下,才知原委,哭笑不得。。。

这类病人一直都是不治之症,常规处理一直是用药物(DETROPEN之类)将膀胱肌肉全部麻痹掉,不让它收缩,成为个容器,再每几小时导尿一次(CIC)。Peters他们在人工反射弧神经长好后,任然继续这种常规,这让新的反射弧对膀胱起不了作用,更重要的是阻碍了大脑的功能重组!我让 Peters立即停用任何药物,停止导尿,让病人穿Diaper,自己解!大脑-脊髓-膀胱直肠需要自己建立新的神经控制协调。

4. Kevin Bryant的母亲的帖子

12-28-2006, 04:08 PM #34
He was not taking any Ditropan, etc., before the surgery. But the other 2 patients were. They were asked to cut it by 1/3 a week prior to surgery, they will cut again in 3 months and completely stop at 6.




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