


§3. The Interanimation of Sentences

§3. 句子之间的互动




‘Ouch’ was a one-word sentence. ‘Red’ and ‘Square’, when used in isolation in the ways lately imagined, are likewise best looked upon as sentences. Most sentences are longer. But even a longer sentence may still be learned as a single unit, like ‘Ouch’, ‘Red’, and ‘Square’, by a direct conditioning of the whole utterance to some sensory stimulation. Characteristically Humean problems, of how we acquire various ideas, may often be by-passed by representing the words in question simply as fragments of sentences which were learned as wholes.

‘Ouch’是一个独词句。‘Red’‘Square’,当像上一节所想像的那样被独立使用时,最好也被看成句子。大多数句子是较长的。但即使是较长的句子,也可以像‘Ouch’‘Red’ ‘Square’那样,通过建立整个句子和某些感觉刺激之间的直接的条件作用,被当作一个整体而学会。休谟关于我们如何能获得各种各样的观念的问题,我们通常都可以绕过,而把考虑中的词径直看成作为整体而学会的句子中的片断。


Not that all or most sentences are learned as wholes. Most sentences are built up rather from learned parts, by analogy with the way in which those parts have previously been seen to occur in other sentences which may or may not have been learned as wholes. What sentences are got by such analogical synthesis, and what ones are got directly, is a question of each individual’s own forgotten history.



It is evident how new sentences may be built from old materials and volunteered on appropriate occasions simply by virtue of the analogies. Having been directly conditioned to the appropriate use of ‘Foot’ (or ‘This is my foot’) as a sentence, and ‘Hand’ likewise, and ‘My foot hurts’ as a whole, the child might conceivably utter ‘My hand hurts’ on an appropriate occasion, though unaided by previous experience with that actual sentence.

新句子可以通过类比从旧材料中构造出来并在适当的场合下被运用,这一点是很明显的。假定一个小孩已经通过直接的条件作用学会了‘Foot’或者‘This is my foot’(“这是我的脚”),同时也学会了‘Hand’(“这是我的手”),另外还学会了作为一个整体的‘My foot hurts’(“我的脚受伤了”),那么不难设想,他可能会在适当的场合发出‘My hand hurts’ (“我的手受伤了”),尽管他以前并没有用过这个句子。


But think of how little we would be able to say if our learning of sentences were strictly limited to those two modes: (1) learning sentences as wholes by a direct conditioning of them to appropriate non-verbal stimulations, and (2) producing further sentences from the foregoing ones by analogical substitution as in the preceding paragraph. The sentences afforded by mode (1) are such that each has its particular range of admissible stimulatory occasions, independently of wider context. The sentences added by (2) are more of the same sort—learned faster thanks to (2), but no less capable of being learned in mode (1). Speech thus confined would be strikingly like bare reporting of sense data.



(翟评:The sentences added by (2) are more of the same sort=The sentences added by (2) are more sentences of the same sort provided by (1)


The objective pull described in §2 would indeed be there. The stimulations eliciting ‘It is square’ would indeed take in the odd lot of suitably circumstanced skew projections that social pressure requires. Yet the effect of this objective pull by itself is superficial: a mere warping of the pigeonholes; a gerrymandering, in the public interest, of the range of stimulations which each report embraces. Our idiom would remain very much the inadequate sort of idiom imagined in §1: the fancifully fancyless medium of unvarnished news. As there remarked, there would be no access to the past, beyond the negligible yield of an occasional memory trace of an unconceptualized stimulation.

§2中所描述的客观的拉力确实是存在的。迫于社会压力,引发‘It is square’的刺激确实包括了(适当情况下的)零星的倾斜投影。但是客观的拉力本身只有现象层面的效应:它只涉及到对现象的分类;从社会的角度对每个报告所涵盖的刺激范围进行再调整。我们的话语在很大程度上仍属于§1所想像的那种不充分的话语:一种想像出来的本身却毫无想像力的对未被污染的信息加以报道的媒介。正如在那一节里所评论的,这种媒介无法通达于过去,微不足道的例外只是对未被概念化的刺激的偶尔的记忆痕迹。




What more is needed in order to capitalize the riches of past experience is hinted in the remark (§1) that actual memories are mostly traces not of past sensation but of past conceptualization. We cannot rest with a running conceptualization of the unsullied stream of experience; what we need is a sullying of the stream. Association of sentences is wanted not just with non-verbal stimulation, but with other sentences, if we are to exploit finished conceptualization and not just repeat them.



Mode (2) above is already, in a way, an associating of sentences with sentences; but only in too restrained a way. Further interverbal associations are required which provide for the use of new sentences without tying them, even derivatively, to an fixed ranges of non-verbal stimuli.



The most obvious case of the verbal stimulation of verbal response is interrogation. It was already remarked in §2 the ‘Red’ as a one-word sentence usually needs a question for its elicitation. The question may be simply ‘What color is this?’. In this case the stimulus eliciting ‘Red’ is a compound one: the red light assails the eye and the question the ear. Or the question may be ‘What color will you have?’ or ‘what color did it use to be?’. In such a case the stimulus eliciting ‘Red’ is the verbal one unaccompanied by red light; though its power to elicit ‘ Red’ depends, of course, on an earlier association of ‘Red’ with red light.

引发言语发应的最明显的言语刺激是发问。在§2里我们曾经指出,要引发独词句‘Red’,通常需要一个问句。问句可以只是‘What color is this?’(“这是什么颜色?”)在这种情况下,引发‘Red’的刺激是个复合刺激:袭击眼睛的红光和袭击耳朵的问话。问句也可以是‘What color will you have?’(“你将会看到什么颜色?”)或‘what color did it use to be?’(“这曾经是什么颜色?”)在这种情况下,引发‘Red’的刺激就只是言语刺激,而没有伴随红光;当然言语刺激所以能引发‘Red’,还是要依赖先前在‘Red’和红光之间建立起来的联系。


The opposite dependence is also common: the power of a non-verbal stimulus to elicit a given sentence commonly depends on earlier associations of sentences with sentences. And if fact it is cases of this kind that best illustrate how language transcends the confines of essentially phenomenalistic reporting. Thus someone mixes the contents of two test tubes, observes a green tint, and says ‘There is copper in it.’ Here the sentence is elicited by a non-verbal stimulus, but the stimulus depends for its efficacy upon an earlier network of associations of words with words; viz., one’s learning of chemical theory. Here we have a good glimpse of our workaday conceptual scheme as a going concern. Here, as at the crude stage of (1) and (2), the sentence is elicited by a non-verbal stimulus; but here, in contrast to that crude stage, the verbal network of an articulate theory has intervened to link the stimulus with the response.

相反的依赖关系也是常见的:非言语刺激所以能引发某个句子,要依赖于先前在句子之间建立起来的联系。事实上,这种情形最能让我们认清语言是怎样决定性地超越现象主义报道模式的。例如,某人将两个试管中的溶液加以混合并看到了绿色,然后他说:‘There is copper in it.’(“里面有铜。”)在这里,句子是由非言语刺激引发的,但是这个刺激之所以能发挥效用,却要依赖先前的由语词和语词相互联系而形成的网络,即要依赖他对化学理论的掌握。在这里,我们可以看到,我们的日常概念系统是在不断发展着的。在这里,正像在模式(1)和(2)这样的原始阶段一样,句子是由非言语刺激而引发的;但是,与那些原始阶段不一样的是,有一个理论的言语网络插进来在刺激和反应之间起了联结作用。


The intervening theory is composed of sentences associated with one another in multifarious ways not easily reconstructed even in conjecture. There are so-called logical connections, and there are so-called causal ones; but any such interconnections of sentences must finally be due to the conditioning of sentences as responses to sentences as stimuli. If some of the connections count more particularly as logical or as causal, they do so only by reference to so-called logical or causal laws which in turn are sentences within the theory. The theory as a whole—a chapter of chemistry, in this case, plus relevant adjuncts from logic and elsewhere—is a fabric of sentences variously associated to one another and to non-verbal stimuli by the mechanism of conditioned response.





Theory may be deliberate, as in a chapter on chemistry, or it may be second nature, as is the immemorial doctrine of ordinary enduring middle-sized physical objects. In either case, theory causes a sharing, by sentences, of sensory supports. In an arch, an overhead block is supported immediately by other overhead blocks, and ultimately by all the base blocks collectively and none individually; and so it is with sentences, when theoretically fitted. The contact of block to block is the association of sentence to sentence, and the base blocks are sentences conditioned in the modes (1) and (2) to non-verbal stimuli. Perhaps we should think of the arch as tottering on an earthquake; thus even a base block is supported, now and again, only by the other base blocks via the arch.



Our example ‘There is copper in it’ is an overhead block, along with ‘Copper oxide is green’ and others. One of the base blocks is perhaps the sentence ‘The stuff has gone green’, a sentence directly conditioned to the sensory stimulation got from the test tube.

我们的例子‘There is copper in it’(“这里有铜”)就是一块顶砖,算做顶砖的还有‘Copper oxide is green’(“氧化铜是绿色的”)和其他句子。而‘The stuff has gone green’(“东西变绿了”)这样的句子则可以算做底砖,它与得自试管的感觉刺激之间是一种直接的条件作用关系。


In the series of sentence-to-sentence associations ultimately linking ‘The stuff has gone green’ with ‘There was copper in it’, all steps but the last are evidently unspoken, but more are just skipped as the theory becomes second nature. Such skipping, which exceeds the arch analogy, seems a basically humdrum affair: a transitivity of conditioning.

最终将‘The stuff has gone green’ (“东西变绿了”)和‘There was copper in it’ (“这里有铜”)联结起来的一系列的句子与句子之间的联系,除了最后的这一步外,其他的联系显然是未曾明言的。随着理论变成了第二天性,这些环环相扣的联系甚至干脆被省略掉了。这样的做法越出了拱形建筑物的类比,但基本原因却寻常得不值一提:条件作用具有传递性。


Another point that exceeds the arch analogy is the difference between occasion sentences like ‘There was copper in it’, true anew for each of various experimental occasions (§9), and eternal sentences like ‘Copper oxide is green’, true for good (§40). The occasion sentence is elicited from the practicing chemist time and again. The eternal sentence may well be elicited from him just once, in his youth, by the university examiner. The eternal ones tend most of all to drop out under the transitivity of conditioning, leaving no trace except implicitly in the patterning of conditioning of residual sentences.

另外一个越出拱形建筑物类比的地方是像‘There was copper in it’ (“这里有铜”)这样的场合句(§9)和像‘Copper oxide is green’ (“氧化铜是绿色的”)这样的永恒句(§40)之间的区别,前者的真值与实验场合有关,后者的真值是永恒的,不随场合而变化。场合句会不时地从正在做实验的化学家的口中发出。而永恒句可能只是在他年轻的时候回答大学考官的发问而从他的口中说出一次。因为条件作用的传递性,大多数永恒句都从句子联系的链条中脱落了,它们只是起作终端句子的条件作用的缺省配置的作用。

(翟评:true for good这个说法是不严谨的,应为true or false for good。)

What comes of the association of sentences with sentences is a vast verbal structure which, primarily as a whole, is multifariously linked to non-verbal stimulation. These links attach to separate sentences (for each person), but the same sentences are so bound up in turn with one another and with further sentences that the non-verbal attachments themselves may stretch or give way under strain. In an obvious way this structure of interconnected sentences is a single connected fabric including all sciences and indeed everything we ever say about the world; for the logical truths at least, and no doubt many commonplace sentences too, are germane to all topics and thus provide connection. However, some middle-sized scrap of theory usually will embody all the connections that are likely to affect our adjudication of a given sentence.





The firmness of association to non-verbal stimuli, the power of such association to withstand the contrary pull of a body of theory, grades off from one sentence to another. Roughly imaginable sequences of nerve hits can confirm us in the statement that there is a brick house on Elm Street, beyond the power of secondary associations to add or detract. Even where the conditioning to non-verbal stimulation is so firm, however, there is no telling to what extent it is original and to what extent it results from a shortcutting, by transitivity of conditioning, of old connections of sentences with sentences. Beneath the uniformity that unites us in communication there is a chaotic personal diversity of connections, and, for each of us, the connections continue to evolve. No two of us learn our language alike, nor, in a sense, does any finish learning it while he lives.




§2. The Objective pull; or, E Pluribus Unum

§2. 客观的拉力;或,合众为一


(小结:奎因从语言学习的角度考察了‘Ouch’ ‘Red’‘square’这三个一词句,以此表明客观性是语言的生存价值。这三个词的客观性是依次递增的。‘Ouch’客观性最差,所以只能在语言中处于边缘地位。‘Red’就要强多了,因为别人可以很容易地检验说话者是不是真的看到了红色。‘square’的客观性最强,因为它适用的各种场合对人的刺激的差异性最大,学习者一开始就得适应社会的用法。奎因进一步指出,达到语言的客观性用法的途径是因人而异的,这些途径从语言的社会功能方面看是无关紧要的。)

‘Ouch’ is a one-word sentence which a man may volunteer from time to time by way of laconic comment on the passing show. The correct occasions of its use are those attended by painful stimulation. Such use of the word, like the correct use of language generally, is inculcated in the individual by training on the part of society; and society achieves this despite not sharing the individual’s pain. Society’s method is in principle that of rewarding the utterance of ‘Ouch’ when the speaker shows some further evidence of sudden discomfort, say a wince, or is actually seen to suffer violence, and of penalizing the utterance of ‘Ouch’ when the speaker is visibly untouched and his countenance unruffled.



For the man who has learned his language lesson, some of the stimuli evocative of ‘Ouch’ may be publicly visible blows and slashes, while others are hidden from the public eye in the depths of his bowels. Society, acting solely on overt manifestations, has been able to train the individual to say the socially proper thing in response even to socially undetectable stimulations. The trick has depended on prior concomitances between covert stimulation and overt behavior, notably the wincing instinct.



We can imagine a primitive use of ‘Red’ as a one-word sentence somewhat on a par with ‘Ouch’. Just as ‘Ouch’ is the appropriate remark on the occasion of painful stimulation, so ‘Red’, under the usage which I am now imagining, is the appropriate remark on the occasion of those distinctive photochemical effects which are wrought in one’s retina by the impact of red light. This time society’s method of training consists in rewarding the utterance of ‘Red’ when the individual is seen looking at something red, and penalizing it when he is seen looking at something else.



Actually, the uses of ‘Red’ are less simple. Commonly ‘red’, unlike ‘ouch’, turns up as a fragment of longer sentences. Moreover, even when ‘Red’ is used by itself as a one-word sentence, what evokes it is usually not the mere apprehension of something red; more commonly there has been a verbal stimulus, in the form of a question. But let us keep for a moment to the fictitious usage described in the preceding paragraph; for it, by its similarity to ‘Ouch’, will help to bring out also a certain contrast.



The critic, society’s agent, approves the subject’s utterance of ‘Red’ by observing the subject and his viewed object and finding the latter red. In part, therefore, the critic’s cue is red irradiation of his own retina. A partial symmetry obtains between the subject’s cue for utterance and the critic’s cue for approval in the case of ‘Red’, which, happily for the critic, was lacking in the case of ‘Ouch’. The partial symmetry in the one case, and the lack of it in the other, suggest a certain superficial sense in which ‘Ouch’ may be spoken of as more subjective in reference than ‘Red’; ‘Red’ more objective than ‘Ouch’.

作为社会代表的教师,他会同时看着学生和他所注视的对象,如果后者确实是红的,他就会赞同学生所发出的‘Red’。因此,教师作出评判的部分线索是他自己的视网膜所接受到的红光照射。在‘Red’的情形中,学生发出声音所根据的线索和教师同意学生发声的线索,这两者之间有着部分的对称性,而这种对称性在‘Ouch’的情形中是没有的(因为很庆幸,老师在同意学生发声时无需自己有疼痛的刺激)。一种情形中有部分对称性,一种则没有,这解释了为什么我们会觉得‘Ouch’的主观意味要强于‘Red’ ‘Red’‘Ouch’客观。


Exceptions are possible on either side. If the critic and the subject are fighting a fire and are scorched by the same sudden gust, then the critic’s approval of the subject’s ‘Ouch’ does not differ significantly from the imagined case of ‘Red’. Conversely, a critic may approve a subject’s ‘Red’ on indirect evidence, failing to glimpse the object himself. If we call ‘Ouch’ more subjective than ‘Red’, we must be taken as alluding thereby only to the most characteristic learning situations. In the case of ‘Red’, typically one’s mentor or critic sees red; in the case of ‘Ouch’, typically he does not get hurt.



‘Ouch’ is not independent of social training: one has only to prick a foreigner to appreciate that it is an English word. But in its subjectivity it is a little unusual. Words being social tools, objectivity counts toward their survival. When a word has considerable currency despite the subjective twist, it may be expected, like the pronouns ‘I’ and ‘you’, to have a valuable social function of some exceptional sort. The survival value of ‘Ouch’, from a social point of view, is as a distress signal. And the word is of only marginal linguistic status, after all, being incapable of integration into longer sentences.



The usual premium on objectivity is well illustrated by ‘square’. Each of a party of observers glances at a tile from his own vantage point and calls it square; and each of them has, as his retinal projection of the tile, a scalene quadrilateral which is geometrically dissimilar to everyone else’s. the learner of ‘square’ has to take his chances with the rest of society, and he ends up using the word to suit. Association of ‘square’ with just the situation in which the retinal projection is square would be simpler to learn, but the more objective usage is, by its very intersubjectivity, what we tend to be exposed to and encouraged in.



In general, if a term is to be learned by induction from observed instances where it is applied, the instances have to resemble one another in two ways: they have to be enough alike from the learner’s point of view, from occasion to occasion, to afford him a basis of similarity to generalize upon, and they have to be enough alike from simultaneous distinct points of view to enable the teacher and learner to share the appropriate occasions. A term restricted to squares normal to the line of sight would meet the first requirement only; a term applying to physical squares in all their scalene projections meets both. And it meets both in the same way, in that the points of view available to the learner from occasion to occasion are likewise the points of view available to teacher and learner on simultaneous occasions. Such is the way with terms for observable physical objects generally; and thus it is that such objects are focal to reference and thought.



‘Red’, unlike ‘square’, is a happy case where a nearly uniform stimulatory condition is shared by simultaneous observers. All the assembled retinas are irradiated by substantially the same red light, whereas no two of them receive geometrically similar projections of the square. The pull toward objectivity is thus a strong pull away from the subjectively simplest rule of association in the case of ‘square’, and much less so in the case of ‘red’. Hence our readiness to think of color as more subjective than physical shape. But some pull of the same kind occurs even in the case of ‘red’, insofar as reflections from the environment cause the red object to cast somewhat different tints to different points of view. The objective pull will regiment all the responses still as ‘red’, by activating myriad corrective cues. These corrective cues are used unconsciously, such is the perfection of our socialization; a painter has even to school himself to set them aside when he tries to reproduce his true retinal intake.



The uniformity that unites us in communication and belief is a uniformity of resultant patterns overlying a chaotic subjective diversity of connections between words and experience. Uniformity comes where it matters socially; hence rather in point of intersubjectivity conspicuous circumstances of utterance than in point of privately conspicuous ones. For an extreme illustration of the point, consider two men one of whom has normal color vision and the other of whom is color-blinded as between red and green. Society has trained both men by the method noted earlier: rewarding the utterance ‘red’ when the speaker is seen fixating something red, and penalizing it in the contrary case. Moreover the gross socially observable results are about alike: both men are pretty good about attributing ‘red’ to just the red things. But the private mechanisms by which the two men achieve these similar results are very different. The one man has learned ‘red’ in association with the regulation photochemical effect. The other man has painfully learned to be stimulated to ‘red’ by light in various wavelengths (red and green) in company with elaborate special combinations of supplementary conditions of intensity, saturation, shape, and setting, calculated e.g. to admit fire and sunsets and to exclude grass; to admit blossoms and exclude leaves; and to admit lobsters only after boiling.



Different persons growing up in the same language are like different bushes trimmed and trained to take the shape of identical elephants. The anatomical details of twigs and branches will fulfill the elephantine form differently from bush to bush, but the overall outward results are alike.





Chapter One

Language and Truth

第一章        语言和真理



§1. Beginning with Ordinary Things

§1. 从日常事物开始



This familiar desk manifests its presence by resisting my pressures and by deflecting light to my eyes. Physical things generally, however remote, become known to us only through the effects which they help to induce at our sensory surfaces. Yet our common sense talk of physical things goes forward without benefit of explanations in more intimately sensory terms. Entification begins at arm’s length; the points of condensation in the primordial conceptual scheme are things glimpsed, not glimpses. In this there is little cause for wonder. Each of us learns his language from other people, through the observable mouthing of words under conspicuously intersubjective circumstances. Linguistically, and hence conceptually, the things in sharpest focus are the things that are public enough to be talked of publicly, common and conspicuous enough to be talked of often, and near enough to sense to be quickly identified and learned by name; it is to these that words apply first and foremost.





Talk of subjective sense qualities comes mainly as a derivative idiom. When one tries to describe a particular sensory quality, he typically resorts to reference to public things—describing a color as orange or heliotrope, a smell as like that of rotten eggs. Just as one sees his nose best in a mirror, removed to half the optimum focal distance, so also he best identifies his sense data by reflecting them in external objects.



Impressed with the fact that we know external things only mediately through our senses, philosophers from Berkeley onward have undertaken to strip away the physicalistic conjectures and bare the sense data. Yet even as we try to recapture the data, in all their innocence of interpretation, we find ourselves depending upon sidelong glances into natural sciences. We may hold, with Berkeley, that the momentary data of vision consist of colors disposed in a spatial manifold of two dimensions; but we come to this conclusion by reasoning from the bidimensionality of the ocular surface, or by noting the illusions which can be engendered by two-dimensional artifacts such as paintings and mirrors, or, more abstractly, simply by noting that the interception of light in space must necessarily take place along a surface. Again we may hold that the momentary data of audition are clusters of components each of which is a function of just two variables, pitch and loudness; but not without knowledge of the physical variables of frequency and amplitude in the stimulating string.





The motivating insight, viz. that we can know external things through impacts at our nerve endings, is itself based on our general knowledge of the ways of physical objects—illuminated desks, reflected light, activated retinas. Small wonder that the quest for sense data should be guided by the same sort of knowledge that prompts it.



Aware of the points thus far set forth, our philosopher may still try, in a spirit of rational reconstruction, to abstract out pure stream of sense experience and then depict physical doctrine as a means of systemizing the regularities discernable in the stream. He may imagine an ideal “protocol language” which, even if in fact learned after common-sense talk of physical things or not at all, is evidentially prior: a fancifully fancyless medium of unvarnished news. Talk of ordinary physical things he would then see as, in principle, a device for simplifying that disorderly account of the passing show.



(翟评:evidentially prior译错了。如果看过奎因的“设定物及其实在性”一文,就会知道,奎因区分了三种不同的在先性:日常对象在概念上conceptually在先,感觉材料在证据上evidentially在先,基本粒子在自然上naturally在先。)


But this is a misleading way of depicting matters, even when the idea of a sense-datum “language” is counted frankly as metaphor. For the trouble is that immediate experience simply will not, of itself, cohere as an autonomous domain. Reference to physical things are largely what hold it together. These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data. Rather they give us our main continuing access to past sense data themselves; for past sense data are mostly gone for good except as commemorated in physical posits. All we would have apart from posits and speculation are present data and present memories of past ones; and a memory trace of a sense datum is too meager an affair to do much good. Actual memories mostly are traces not of past sensations but of past conceptualization or verbalization.



There is every reason to inquire into the sensory or stimulatory background of ordinary talk of physical things. The mistake comes only in seeking an implicit sub-basement of conceptualization, or of language. Conceptualization on any considerable scale is inseparable from language, and our ordinary language of physical things is about as basic as language gets.



Neurath has likened science to a boat which, if we are to rebuild it, we must rebuild plank by plank while staying afloat in it. The philosopher and the scientist are in the same boat. If we improve our understanding of ordinary talk of physical things, it will not be by reducing that talk to a more familiar idiom; there is none. It will be by clarifying the connections, causal or otherwise, between ordinary talk of physical things and various further matters which in trun we grasp with help of ordinary talk of physical things.



On the face of it there is a certain verbal perversity in the idea that ordinary talk of familiar physical things is not in large part understood as it stands, or that the familiar physical things are not real, or that evidence for their reality needs to be uncovered. For surely the key words ‘understood’, ‘real’, and ‘evidence’ here are too ill-defined to stand up under such punishment. We should only be depriving them of the very denotations to which they mainly owe such sense as they make to us. It was a lexicographer, Dr. Johnson, who demonstrated the reality of a stone by kicking it; and to begin with, at least, we have little better to go on than Johnsonian usage. The familiar material objects may not be all that is real, but they are admirable examples.



There are, however, philosophers who overdo this line of thought, treating ordinary language as sacrosanct. They exalt ordinary language to the exclusion of one of its own traits: its disposition to keep on evolving. Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self-conscious, as science is self-conscious common sense. And philosophy in turn, as an effort to get clearer on things, is not to be distinguished in essential points of purpose and method from good and bad science.



In particular we shall find, as we get on with organizing and adjusting various of the turns of phrase that participate in what pass for affirmations of existence, that certain of these take on key significance in the increasingly systematic structure; and then, reacting in a manner typical of scientific behavior, we shall come to favor these idioms as the existence affirmations “strictly so-called.” One could even end up, though we ourselves shall not, by finding that the smoothest and most adequate overall account of the world does not after all accord existence to ordinary physical things, in that refined sense of existence. Such eventual departures from Johnsonian usage could partake of the spirit of science and even of the evolutionary spirit of ordinary language itself.



Our boat stays afloat because at each alternation we keep the bulk of it intact as a going concern. Our words continue to make passable sense because of continuity of change of theory: we warp usage gradually enough to avoid rupture. And such, in the beginning, is the case for Johnsonian usage itself, since our questioning of objects can coherently begin only in relation to a system of theory which is itself predicated on our interim acceptances of objects. We are limited in how we can start even if not in where we may end up. To vary Neurath’s figure with Wittgenstein’s, we may kick away our ladder only after we have climbed it.



So the proposition that external things are ultimately to be known only through their action on our bodies should be taken as one among various coordinate truths, in physics and elsewhere, about initially unquestioned physical things. It qualifies the empirical meaning of our talk of physical things, while not questioning the reference. There remains abundant reason to inquire more closely into the empirical meaning or stimulatory conditions of our talk of physical things, for we learn in this way about the scope of creative imagination in science; and such inquiry is none the worse for being conducted within the framework of those same physical acceptations. No inquiry being possible without some conceptual scheme, we may as well retain and use the best one we know—right down to the latest detail of quantum mechanics, if we know it and it matters.



Analyze theory-building how we will, we all must start in the middle. Our conceptual firsts are middle-sized, middle-distanced objects, and our introduction to them and to everything comes midway in the cultural evolution of the race. In assimilating this cultural fare we are little more aware of a distinction between report and invention, substance and style, cues and conceptualization, than we are of a distinction between the proteins and the carbohydrates of our material intake. Retrospectively we may distinguish the components of theory-building, as we distinguish the proteins and carbohydrates while subsisting on them. We cannot strip away the conceptual trappings sentence by sentence and leave a description of the objective world; but we can investigate the world, and man as a part of it, and thus find out what cues he could have of what goes on around him. Subtracting his cues from his world view, we get man’s net contribution as the difference. This difference marks the extent of man’s conceptual sovereignty—the domain within which he can revise theory while saving the data.



In a general way, therefore, I propose in the introductory chapter to ponder out talk of physical phenomena as a physical phenomenon, and our scientific imaginations as activities within the world that we imagine. Later chapters will treat more closely of details.


