

Chapter One

Language and Truth

第一章        语言和真理



§1. Beginning with Ordinary Things

§1. 从日常事物开始



This familiar desk manifests its presence by resisting my pressures and by deflecting light to my eyes. Physical things generally, however remote, become known to us only through the effects which they help to induce at our sensory surfaces. Yet our common sense talk of physical things goes forward without benefit of explanations in more intimately sensory terms. Entification begins at arm’s length; the points of condensation in the primordial conceptual scheme are things glimpsed, not glimpses. In this there is little cause for wonder. Each of us learns his language from other people, through the observable mouthing of words under conspicuously intersubjective circumstances. Linguistically, and hence conceptually, the things in sharpest focus are the things that are public enough to be talked of publicly, common and conspicuous enough to be talked of often, and near enough to sense to be quickly identified and learned by name; it is to these that words apply first and foremost.





Talk of subjective sense qualities comes mainly as a derivative idiom. When one tries to describe a particular sensory quality, he typically resorts to reference to public things—describing a color as orange or heliotrope, a smell as like that of rotten eggs. Just as one sees his nose best in a mirror, removed to half the optimum focal distance, so also he best identifies his sense data by reflecting them in external objects.



Impressed with the fact that we know external things only mediately through our senses, philosophers from Berkeley onward have undertaken to strip away the physicalistic conjectures and bare the sense data. Yet even as we try to recapture the data, in all their innocence of interpretation, we find ourselves depending upon sidelong glances into natural sciences. We may hold, with Berkeley, that the momentary data of vision consist of colors disposed in a spatial manifold of two dimensions; but we come to this conclusion by reasoning from the bidimensionality of the ocular surface, or by noting the illusions which can be engendered by two-dimensional artifacts such as paintings and mirrors, or, more abstractly, simply by noting that the interception of light in space must necessarily take place along a surface. Again we may hold that the momentary data of audition are clusters of components each of which is a function of just two variables, pitch and loudness; but not without knowledge of the physical variables of frequency and amplitude in the stimulating string.





The motivating insight, viz. that we can know external things through impacts at our nerve endings, is itself based on our general knowledge of the ways of physical objects—illuminated desks, reflected light, activated retinas. Small wonder that the quest for sense data should be guided by the same sort of knowledge that prompts it.



Aware of the points thus far set forth, our philosopher may still try, in a spirit of rational reconstruction, to abstract out pure stream of sense experience and then depict physical doctrine as a means of systemizing the regularities discernable in the stream. He may imagine an ideal “protocol language” which, even if in fact learned after common-sense talk of physical things or not at all, is evidentially prior: a fancifully fancyless medium of unvarnished news. Talk of ordinary physical things he would then see as, in principle, a device for simplifying that disorderly account of the passing show.



(翟评:evidentially prior译错了。如果看过奎因的“设定物及其实在性”一文,就会知道,奎因区分了三种不同的在先性:日常对象在概念上conceptually在先,感觉材料在证据上evidentially在先,基本粒子在自然上naturally在先。)


But this is a misleading way of depicting matters, even when the idea of a sense-datum “language” is counted frankly as metaphor. For the trouble is that immediate experience simply will not, of itself, cohere as an autonomous domain. Reference to physical things are largely what hold it together. These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data. Rather they give us our main continuing access to past sense data themselves; for past sense data are mostly gone for good except as commemorated in physical posits. All we would have apart from posits and speculation are present data and present memories of past ones; and a memory trace of a sense datum is too meager an affair to do much good. Actual memories mostly are traces not of past sensations but of past conceptualization or verbalization.



There is every reason to inquire into the sensory or stimulatory background of ordinary talk of physical things. The mistake comes only in seeking an implicit sub-basement of conceptualization, or of language. Conceptualization on any considerable scale is inseparable from language, and our ordinary language of physical things is about as basic as language gets.



Neurath has likened science to a boat which, if we are to rebuild it, we must rebuild plank by plank while staying afloat in it. The philosopher and the scientist are in the same boat. If we improve our understanding of ordinary talk of physical things, it will not be by reducing that talk to a more familiar idiom; there is none. It will be by clarifying the connections, causal or otherwise, between ordinary talk of physical things and various further matters which in trun we grasp with help of ordinary talk of physical things.



On the face of it there is a certain verbal perversity in the idea that ordinary talk of familiar physical things is not in large part understood as it stands, or that the familiar physical things are not real, or that evidence for their reality needs to be uncovered. For surely the key words ‘understood’, ‘real’, and ‘evidence’ here are too ill-defined to stand up under such punishment. We should only be depriving them of the very denotations to which they mainly owe such sense as they make to us. It was a lexicographer, Dr. Johnson, who demonstrated the reality of a stone by kicking it; and to begin with, at least, we have little better to go on than Johnsonian usage. The familiar material objects may not be all that is real, but they are admirable examples.



There are, however, philosophers who overdo this line of thought, treating ordinary language as sacrosanct. They exalt ordinary language to the exclusion of one of its own traits: its disposition to keep on evolving. Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self-conscious, as science is self-conscious common sense. And philosophy in turn, as an effort to get clearer on things, is not to be distinguished in essential points of purpose and method from good and bad science.



In particular we shall find, as we get on with organizing and adjusting various of the turns of phrase that participate in what pass for affirmations of existence, that certain of these take on key significance in the increasingly systematic structure; and then, reacting in a manner typical of scientific behavior, we shall come to favor these idioms as the existence affirmations “strictly so-called.” One could even end up, though we ourselves shall not, by finding that the smoothest and most adequate overall account of the world does not after all accord existence to ordinary physical things, in that refined sense of existence. Such eventual departures from Johnsonian usage could partake of the spirit of science and even of the evolutionary spirit of ordinary language itself.



Our boat stays afloat because at each alternation we keep the bulk of it intact as a going concern. Our words continue to make passable sense because of continuity of change of theory: we warp usage gradually enough to avoid rupture. And such, in the beginning, is the case for Johnsonian usage itself, since our questioning of objects can coherently begin only in relation to a system of theory which is itself predicated on our interim acceptances of objects. We are limited in how we can start even if not in where we may end up. To vary Neurath’s figure with Wittgenstein’s, we may kick away our ladder only after we have climbed it.



So the proposition that external things are ultimately to be known only through their action on our bodies should be taken as one among various coordinate truths, in physics and elsewhere, about initially unquestioned physical things. It qualifies the empirical meaning of our talk of physical things, while not questioning the reference. There remains abundant reason to inquire more closely into the empirical meaning or stimulatory conditions of our talk of physical things, for we learn in this way about the scope of creative imagination in science; and such inquiry is none the worse for being conducted within the framework of those same physical acceptations. No inquiry being possible without some conceptual scheme, we may as well retain and use the best one we know—right down to the latest detail of quantum mechanics, if we know it and it matters.



Analyze theory-building how we will, we all must start in the middle. Our conceptual firsts are middle-sized, middle-distanced objects, and our introduction to them and to everything comes midway in the cultural evolution of the race. In assimilating this cultural fare we are little more aware of a distinction between report and invention, substance and style, cues and conceptualization, than we are of a distinction between the proteins and the carbohydrates of our material intake. Retrospectively we may distinguish the components of theory-building, as we distinguish the proteins and carbohydrates while subsisting on them. We cannot strip away the conceptual trappings sentence by sentence and leave a description of the objective world; but we can investigate the world, and man as a part of it, and thus find out what cues he could have of what goes on around him. Subtracting his cues from his world view, we get man’s net contribution as the difference. This difference marks the extent of man’s conceptual sovereignty—the domain within which he can revise theory while saving the data.



In a general way, therefore, I propose in the introductory chapter to ponder out talk of physical phenomena as a physical phenomenon, and our scientific imaginations as activities within the world that we imagine. Later chapters will treat more closely of details.







  1. gyro 评论道:

    同意你对陈译的评价。 总的感觉是难译。有些意思英文很清楚,但中文容易有歧义。 比如 “The mistake comes only in seeking an implicit sub-basement of conceptualization, or of language. 错误只是在于寻求概念化或语言的隐含的基础。” sub-basement 对准确理解很重要,但不易翻译。 奎恩此处的意思大概就是 “one cannot get between language and reality.”

    “One could even end up, though we ourselves shall not, by finding that the smoothest and most adequate overall account of the world does not after all accord existence to ordinary physical things, in that refined sense of existence. 在组织和调整结束时,人们可能会发现——尽管我们自己不会走到这一步——对世界作最通畅和最适当的整体描述时,用不着将严格意义上的存在性赋予普通的物理事物。”

    我认为这句话是这个意思: “在发现对世界总体来说最通畅和最适当的描述最终并没有赋予寻常事物以存在性以后,人们可能会达于那样一种精致的存在体验,尽管我们自己不会走到这一步。”

  2. zhaiyuzhang 评论道:

    To gyro:

    2. 这一句的主干结构是:One could even end up, ……, in that refined sense of existence. 所以你的理解是正确的。

  3. zhaiyuzhang 评论道:

    To gyro:

    “One could even end up, though we ourselves shall not, by finding that the smoothest and most adequate overall account of the world does not after all accord existence to ordinary physical things, in that refined sense of existence.”进一步思考后,我认为这个句子有歧义,你我的理解似乎都说得通。所幸两种理解的实质差别并不大。

  4. gyro 评论道:

    如果理解成你的意思, “by finding…” 的by多余, 而且为了减少歧义,整句应写为

    “One could even end up, though we ourselves shall not, finding that the smoothest and most adequate overall account of the world does not after all accord existence, in that refined sense, to ordinary physical things.”

    不管怎么理解, Quinn都不该说这句话. “The smoothest and most adequate account” is question begging.

  5. zhaiyuzhang 评论道:

    end up后可以跟by短语的,以下是字典上的例子:end up by ruining oneself(以害己结束)。我本人原来觉得两种解释都说得通。但我查了一下end up,发现并无后面跟in的例句;另外,in that refined sense如果是用来说明:我们是在何种意义上不把存在性赋予普通物体的?似乎更说得通。所以我认为我的翻译更有可能是对的。很显然,在我们的日常概念体系下,普通物体的实在性是根本没有问题的;只有在一种根本偏离日常用法的非常的用法上才会否定它们。所以,奎因说,我们这一代人大概不会走到如此极端的地步。至于你说的乞求问题,我不是很明白。“The smoothest and most adequate account” 不是一成不变的。我们的古人认为金本水火土能最简单最充分地解释世界,但有科学思维的现代人开始接受物理学的见解,基本粒子取代了金木水火土。无论是对金木水火土的设定,还是对基本粒子的设定,都是对常识的偏离,只是没有像奎因想像的情形那样极端,毕竟无论是五行学家还是理论物理学家,都没有完全否定常识对象的实在性。
    I am grateful for your enlightened reading of my translation!

  6. gyro 评论道:

    这么说,我也倾向于你的看法。“不赋予平常物件以存在性” 是一个非同寻常的态度,应作为主句所要表达的内容,而不应该理所当然地视之为达到某种东西的手段(顺便)提及。

