Archive for 8月, 2010

Beaumont Hospital’s Results of Xiao Procedure Questioned by Peer Experts

星期三, 8月 18th, 2010

The Beaumont Hospital in Michigan is one of the first American institutes that took up clinical trials of the controversial Xiao Procedure. We have previously questioned their clinical outcomes and their misleading propaganda in our Open Letter of Complaint against the Xiao Procedure.
More recently, the hospital has also become the first institute to publish clinical […]

Experts’ Opinions on Xiao Procedure

星期三, 8月 18th, 2010

The Xiao Procedure has been questioned by top experts in China. Below are the experts’ opinions excerpted and translated from Chinese media reports.

Who will evaluate Xiao Chuanguo?Science News. Oct 28, 2009
Gong Ju, who is engaged in basic neurology research, said frankly on the other hand that the basic research done by Xiao Chuanguo at the […]